Acknowledgments Page

As cheesy as this is, I feel the need to thank all the people who helped and are still helping me pull this campaign together:

For my parents, who never mind buying me dice and sourcebooks when I ask really nicely (seriously, my mom once bought me two new sets of dice (which are now my favorite sets) and a copy of the 3.5 edition of the Monster Manual. I love you mommy). Just think, D&D may be a really nerdy hobby, but you'll never have trouble trying to think of things to get me for my birthday ever again!

For all the DMs I have ever had, even if it's only been for a one-shot session: Evan, Dan, Jordan, John, Chris, Beta, Steven, you guys are the reason I can run a campaign without curling up in a ball and crying as I take wisdom drain from all the madness. Thank you.

For Evan, who got me into D&D in the first place. Also for coming up with the Raven Queen's Talon, something I'm sure the rest of the group will thank him for too. And for being the bestest DM and co-DM ever (his E6 campaign is the best thing since sliced goblins. Ask anyone). 

For John, for being an awesome DM and extremely supportive boyfriend who never minds helping me running combat practice, listens to me rant about session ideas at all hours of the night (literally), helps me build my characters so they can be the best they can be, and buys me cookies when the wisdom drain gets so low I'm about to pull a Boros and start eating people (sorry for the obscure reference, anyone who played in Beta's zombie campaign fall of '07 will get it). Thanks baby. I love you.

For Beta, for sending me that information I asked for. You know what I mean. *Tries to wink conspiratorially, but ends up looking kinda stupid instead*

For my boss, who puts up with me rolling dice at work when I should probably be making photocopies. I love my job, and I appreciate that you let me keep it even though I doubt I deserve to get paid $6.80 an hour to work on D&D and watch re-runs of House on TV-links.

For the people who make Mountain Dew, Coke products, Cheetos, Pixie Stix and Hostess Cupcakes, (as well as fifty other kinds of junk food) as you never fail to make D&D ten times better with your presence. This thank -you also extends to the pizza guys at Papa John's and Little Caesars, as well as the people at the Taco Bell on 'O' street who have the decency NOT to look at me like I'm on crack when I ask them for three Grande meals that consist entirely of bean burritos (true story).

For the dudes at Wizards of the Coast, for actually changing some of the things that sucked about 3.5. But this is only a tentative thank you, because there's still some things in 4E that suck. Sorry guys. But 4E's still pretty cool, so thanks anyway.

For everyone involved in Project Draco. You guys rock at modifying D&D to make it an even better game that'll be fifty times as fun to play (Armor as DR anyone? Best idea EVAR). I can't wait to play the system... you know, if we ever finish it. :p   

And most importantly, for my players, and your characters. Jordan, Corey, John, Alpha, Diana, Chris, Evan, Jake; without you, there would be no campaign to run. Thank you for letting me throw monsters at you. Hope you have as much fun as I do during this campaign.