About this Website

So what's this all about?
Well, a few months ago my regular gaming group and I found out that 4th Edition D&D was due to be released in June of 2008. Though we were all dubious, about a week ago when one of us did a little research and found early-release PDF files of the sourcebooks we all jumped at the chance of exploring the new system (don't yell at me about illegal downloading. I own hard copies of the sourcebooks too). In many ways we were pleasantly surprised, and in others we were a tad disappointed, but we all agreed that we needed to play it before we could judge it accurately.

So I volunteered to run a campaign for the group, as I work near full-time at a library and spend most of my days watching TV. So I came up with a basic story that started off with a standard dungeon crawl and evolved into something a little more exciting. I invited eight people, not expecting all of them to be as enthusiastic as they ended up being, and thus ended up with a truly huge group to DM for. That's right kids; eight people, one of every class. I'm either going to have a blast or take a hell of a lot of wisdom drain.

Now here's the other thing; this will be my first time DMing a long-term campaign. I've only ever DMed or Co-DMed one-shot campaigns before for the most part, so it'll be a very new experience for me. Luckily, 4E is new to everyone, so we'll all be learning together.

So, I plan on using this website for several things.
1). I want to record the crazy exploits of my group to the best of my ability. I think they've got a pretty damned good story going for them and some truly excellent character concepts, so I think it's worth following. I will be recording each session in webnovel format and posting them once a week. Also, one of my players will hopefully illustrate the story.
2). I want to detail the world I've created for this campaign. It's based on the template ideas from the 4E sourcebooks, but the rest of it is pretty much my own. I'll be writing about races, regions, and history as the campaign progresses.
3). I want to discuss the things I like and dislike about 4E. A lot of people are curious about it and how it's going to work, so I figure I'll make some comments on it as a DM and hopefully in the near future as a player.
4). Anything else D&D related that comes to mind, mostly out-of-game stuff, and other random crap that comes up.

So that's the basic purpose of the website. Watch the homepage for regular updates.

Happy Gaming!
